Thursday, February 19, 2015

Finally a fairly happy post!

I feel like all my posts recently have been sad and down lately. I go back and read them often. It reminds where I am and where I am going. It also helps me focus and refocus on where I want to be. I am working on so many things right now that sometimes it is easy to lose sight of what is the most important. I have a hard time saying "No." I want to help everyone and I feel guilty if I can't. I don't like to let people down. But it leaves me feeling worn out, tired, and empty at times.

I have learned recently that my love language is Words of Affirmation, followed closely by Quality Time. After doing some reading about the different love languages, this really made sense to me. It brings me such joy and love to hear that someone is proud of me, to actually be told that I am loved. Actions do not speak louder than words for me. Unsolicited encouragement or praise mean the most to me. Words have the ability to make or break my soul. I don't always accept these compliments well, but I am working on it. This is followed closely by Quality Time...uninterrupted time with someone, without the distractions of cell phones or inattentiveness. I like to feel like I am important enough to someone that they can put away Facebook for the time we are together.

With that being said, it made my day when I got this text from my best friend this morning:

I was at the gym this morning when this came through my phone. When I read it, I had to choke back the tears. Part of me still thinks, "Why do I deserve this?" But another part of me knows that my friends are God's blessings in my life. Honestly, I don't deserve them, but I am beyond blessed to have them. I couldn't help but grin the rest of my workout. It filled my love account for the week. I am working to figure out other's love languages too so I can "speak" to them in a way that fills them up as much as I have been lately. I know that some days or weeks I won't always feel like this, but for now, I will revel in it. 

So, for now, I think this is about all I have to write today. Things have been really good lately. I am finding that more days I am happier than not. I haven't had a major migraine in almost a month. I am off of all medications for the first time in years. I am feeling better about life and myself. I still have a long way to go and I am still dealing with a lot. I feel like I am starting to get past some of the fear that has haunted me with all of the journey and that makes me happy. 

I am trying to make better choices.

#BeBraveBeBadass #teamendured #functionalfitnesspersonaltraining #nevergiveup #nevergivein #doingahappydancetoday #feelingbettereveryday

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