I have been told by others recently that I can't do a number of things: You can't run. You can't walk for exercise. You can't swim. You can't ace that test. You can't eat that. You can't drink that. You can't buy that. You can't lift that. You can't lose that much weight. You can't do a triathlon. You can't do a pull up. You can't play softball again.
I hate being told that I can't do something. Normally, the sure fire way to get me to really work hard at something is to tell me I can't do it. But to hear someone else tell me that I can't do something, that I really want, is devastating. It totally takes the wind out of my sails. No, it does more than that...it sinks my entire ship!
I have a running list of goals, some of which are easier than others, some of which are much more long term than others. I make these goals public for all to see so I can be held accountable. It's amazing what that does for me. To know that so many people are keeping up with my goals and checking in on them is incredibly humbling...and sometimes it sucks! I know who reads my food journal and I know what they will say if I actually decided to eat dinner at McDonald's. I know who keeps up with my workouts and what they will say if I miss one or I don't hit my calorie goal for the week.
But, to have someone look at my list of goals and then look me in the eye and tell me that they are impossible is defeating. It makes a part of me just want to give up. If others think they are impossible, then why bother, right? I have pumped myself up about these goals and I don't put them on my list on a whim. They are thought about long and hard and realistically. Yes, I know that some goals are not safe. I have had two knee surgeries, so my basketball days are long gone...it wouldn't be SAFE to play again and I am okay with that. There are things on that list that I never thought I would be able to do and just to see them there pushes me every day. I may not reach all of them anytime soon and I may not reach some of them at all. I may find in time that it is no longer safe to play softball again...but don't tell me I CAN'T do it...not yet.
None of like to be told we can't do something. Want to see a prime example of this...hang out with a toddler for a little while and watch their reaction when they are told NO or YOU CAN'T DO THAT. They typically react with some enraged temper tantrum that rivals the Incredible Hulk. So why do we say it to ourselves so often, when we know we hate it? We beat ourselves down daily and let others influence the things we say to ourselves. We say things to ourselves that we would NEVER think about saying to another person. So why do we do it?!
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Two new badges on my RoadID. I have now finished TWO 5K's and have more on the horizon. And No Excuses to remind me daily that there are no excuses why I can't do something, only reasons why I can. |
I don't have the answer to that. I am guilty of it myself. But, I have decided that I won't let others dictate what I can and can't do anymore. Maybe some of those people who have recently told me that I can't do something are trying to reverse psychology me into working even harder towards it. And maybe they really think that I can't do it. But I am no longer listening to them. I will fight hard and I will not use past surgeries or injuries as an excuse not to do something. No more excuses...I will do this.
“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” --Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)
#bebravebebadass #everyday #teamendured #nevergiveup #nevergivein #neverquit #noexcuses #yodaistheultimatebadass
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