Friday, January 23, 2015

Something I never thought I would hear...

For almost 2 weeks (12 days to be exact, since January 12, 2015) I have consistently been going to the gym or walking at the park every day, except Wednesdays, which is kind of my rest day because my schedule makes it hard to work out on that day. I am trying very hard not to focus too much on that weight number, as I know it will eventually come down, but it will be a slow process. I am a numbers girl, so that will be one of my toughest battles in all of this. I feel so much better already, even though it has only been two weeks. I am eating better, drinking water, and enjoying the exercise. It is still a tough battle with myself every day to get up early, but once I do, I am so happy to have fought the battle.

I went to the gym this morning and burned 497 calories in 57 minutes, split between the treadmill and the recumbent bike. It was a bit harder today, since I was sore from yesterday's workout (638 calories in 88 minutes, split between the bike and working with my trainer, Celeste.) I was determined to do cardio for an hour today and I succeeded. I met a wonderfully sweet lady, who I am looking forward to working out with next week. I was also introduced to a gentleman as he was getting ready to ride the bike next to me after his workout. What he said next totally blew my mind (in reference to me.)

"Oh yeah, I see her here all the time. I think she lives here."

At the moment, I kind of chuckled it off and went about my workout, but as I rode the bike, I began to think about what he actually said. I couldn't believe that someone would say that about me, ever! Not only did it make me feel good, but it made me realize that people are watching. We never know who might be watching us. We have a million chances in a day to be an inspiring example to someone or show them what not to do.

I know this because I work with children every day. Over the past several weeks, I have made it my mission to be a better example to my 25 little kindergartners. I talk to them daily about how much I believe in them and that if you work hard, you will find rewards in life. I tell my kids (in my class) every day, "Never, ever give up. Even if something is hard, or you don't want to do it, do your best and try hard every time." We read stories daily that go along with this theme. As it is when it comes to children, I never know if they are getting it...never know if they are really understanding, or even listening to what I have to say. But they are. 

Last week, I overheard, and secretly watched, a little boy encouraging a little girl not to quit and keep trying while they were playing chess. I started teaching my class chess at the beginning of the school year. They are so amazing and they love playing. Some are actually getting pretty good. But as I watched these two children playing, I was brought to tears in my classroom as I heard him tell her, "Remember, never, ever give up. It's okay if you didn't win. We can play again and you will try hard and get better. But, you can never, ever give up." I don't let my kids quit in the middle of a game. I try to teach them to good winners and good losers. To hear a 6 year old tell another child this advice blew me away. I watched them over the next hour or so and they played 5 games...and she lost every single time. Yet, she continued to try again and never got upset and never gave up. 

With my kids, I knew they were always watching me and now I try to be the best example for them every day. I know that I will fail at times, but I will never give up. And when I heard that I "lived at the gym," I realized that it's not just my kids who are watching me, it's everyone around me. I don't have to give great speeches to inspire someone. Maybe just by showing up every day, someone will see and realize they can do it too. I never, ever thought that someone would compliment me like that today, but it motivates me that much more to keep it up!

#bebravebebadass #teamendured #functionalfitnesspersonaltraining #nevergiveup #someoneisalwayswatchingyou #bethebestexample

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